How to Settle Your Own Car Accident Claim

How to Settle Your Own Car Accident Claim

Get Started

4 easy steps to settle your own car accident claim

Report the Claim

After an accident, obtain the other driver’s insurance information and a copy of his or her driver’s license. Get in touch with your insurance company even if the accident was not your fault and tell them what happened.

Assess Property Damage

As soon as possible after the accident, take your car to a reputable body shop to get an assessment of damages. The body shop may submit the information to your claims adjuster or you may be required to do it yourself.

Assess Injury

If you have been injured due to an accident that was not your fault, you will make a claim to the other driver’s insurance company. Only settle the claim with the insurance adjuster if you are satisfied that you have reached pre-accident health status and you are ready to be fairly compensated for the injuries sustained in the accident.

Submit Demand Letter

Once you have assembled all the documents you require to request payment for your injuries, you should send a demand for payment to the insurance adjuster who is handling your claim. 

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