How to Settle Your Own Car Accident Claim

How to Settle Your Own Car Accident Claim

Common Mistakes


If you attempt to handle the details of a car accident that was not your fault without the assistance of a professional attorney, you may make one of the following common mistakes:
  • Missing important deadlines.
  • Agreeing to a quick settlement without proper information and exposing yourself to the risk of paying for future medical care.
  • Signing insurance company documents that you don’t understand.
  • Admitting fault incorrectly.
  • Giving too much information to the insurance companies.
  • Failing to fully document the accident, making your case much weaker.
  • Assuming the system makes sense and if you act in good faith your medical issues will be resolved and you will receive proper financial compensation.
  • Believing the insurance company made a “final offer” and you have no choice but to accept.
  • Settling much too early before injuries show their full effects.
  • Getting treatment from a doctor who does not have the correct experience with car accident injuries.
  • Failing to review the police report for accuracy and challenge while it is still fresh in the officer’s mind.
  • Giving a recorded statement to an insurance company.
  • Failing to realize how hard both insurance companies will fight to lower the value or deny your claim.
  • Signing a release without knowing exactly what you are signing.
  • Failing to negotiate.


All of these mistakes can lead to a lower settlement, future pain and suffering, or a total denial of the claim. Avoid these common mistakes by working with an attorney who will work hard to make sure you are treated fairly.

common mistakes when filing your own car accident claim

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